Recital and Picture Day Information
Below is all of the information and links regarding this year's recital!
This includes: The picture day information, ticket information, show orders, recital video order form, and recital ads and well wishes.
As Always Please Email or Call us with any questions you have!

Picture Day 2024-2025
Please see the link below for our Season 9 Picture Day Schedule. Please also have your dancer arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled picture time. This helps to make picture day run as smoothly as possible.
Location: Trademark Dance Academy
Date: Saturday, May 3rd AND Sunday, May 4th, 2025
Schedule: TDA Schedule Rec 2025.xlsx
*Note, there are 2 days of rehearsal, so there are two tabs labeled Saturday & Sunday.*
Payment method: Cash, check, or venmo ONLY

Ticket Information
Recital Ticket Sales Begin on May 1, 2025.
Tickets are $26 and can be purchased via the link below.
*Anyone ages 2 and under will not require a ticket, but they must sit on a parent/ guardian's lap.
*Dancers ages 3 and up MUST have a ticket to watch ANY of the shows.
*If you purchase tickets for more than 1 show, you will receive 25% off your additional tickets for other shows.
*Assistant Teachers will receive their priority code on 4/28*
*Ticketing opens on 4/28 for graduating seniors ONLY, priority codes will be sent a week prior.

Recital Video Information
We will be having a professional videographer at our Season 9 Recital. Videos can be purchased for $35. If you would like to purchase a video, please fill out the google form below. Only fill out the form if you are GUARANTEED buying the recital footage.
*Please submit the form by May 1, 2025.*
Google Form: Season 9 Recital Video Order Form
Recital Ads and well wishes
Please use the Google Form link below to order a Recital Ad/ Well Wish.
Program Ads - Well Wishes/Good Luck Ads (15 words) for the recital program $10.00 per quote. Also available text with picture - 1/3 page for $50, 1/2 page for $75 and full page for $100.
Business Ads - For your business or know someone who would like to advertise their business in the recital program, prices are business card $50.00, half page $75.00 and $110 full page.
Google Form to order: Well Wishes/ Ads
*Due on April 20, 2025*
*Any problems with the form please email tdarecital@gmail.com*

Show Order
Please see the link below with ALL 4 show orders. Please also have your dancers arrive 30/40 minutes prior to the start of the show that they are performing in. If they are in the Opening number they will be in the first number of all 4 shows! Please make sure you have your dancer prepared... Costumes, tights, shoes, hair and makeup (check the list if you need to know your dancer's hairstyle), water, and healthy snacks.
*Below are the links to ALL FOUR shows.*
Show 1: Season 9 Show 1 Final Order
Show 2: Season 9 Show 2 Final Order
Show 3: Season 9 Show 3 Final Order
Show 4: Season 9 Show 4 Final Order